– Caya Shobo’s Remote Dieta Support Program –
April 1 – June 1
Includes Private Guidance Sessions and Live Group Talks with Lead Facilitators
This 2-month support program will provide Dieters with a wonderful opportunity to continue their Shipibo plant medicine paths with confidence at home.
A maximum of 10 participants will receive tailored support throughout their Dieta – through an initial private interview, and fortnightly live group Zoom sessions with our experienced facilitators, and finally, a 1 hour private follow-up interview after Dieta. There will also be a Whatsapp chat group where simple questions can be discussed with facilitators during the Dieta.
Opening and closing of your Dieta may be done remotely by one of our maestros/as, or participants who are continuing a Dieta opened while on retreat at Caya Shobo are welcome to sign up for this support program too.
The base cost of the program is US$345 for the full course of guidance sessions, plus remote treatments which are priced at US$100 per treatment. Thus, the total cost will depend on the number of remote treatments that you select.
Also keep in mind that Dieta plants plus shipping will be an extra US$50-100 to send from Peru, depending on where you live.

Read below for more information or email team@cayashobo.com for more information.
– Program Details & Costs –
2 Months of Support & Expert Guidance for the Plant Dieta Process: US$345
- Initial 1-on-1 interview with a lead facilitator to clarify intentions, duration of Dieta, and plant/s, plus Post-Dieta 1-on-1 follow-up support session with a lead facilitator
- 4 Live Group Sessions with experienced facilitators on Zoom every second Wednesday (5-7pm) where you will learn about the relevant stage of Dieta.
- Ongoing Whatsapp group chat with facilitators where participants can ask questions and receive general guidance.
- Dream Interpretation and Dietary Recommendations will be a regular feature.
Remote Treatments (Open, Align & Close Dieta): US$100 each
- Dieta Openings* will be scheduled during Caya Shobo’s ceremony nights Mar 25-Apr 6.
- Optional Dieta alignment treatments may be scheduled at any time during the Dieta, and are recommended.
- Dieta Closing Treatments* can be scheduled from May 20-June 1 (however, those wishing to continue longer in their Dieta are welcome to do so).
Shipment of Dieta Plants: Approx. US$50-100
- Depending on where participants are physically located, the cost of shipment of Dieta Plants from Peru is estimated at approximately US$50-$100.
- Dieters are encouraged to choose plants that they have dieted before or that are recommended by the Caya Shobo maestros or facilitators.
- Plant orders should be submitted to Caya Shobo as soon as possible.
*Note some people may require a minimum of 2 treatments each to open and close or align their Dieta. It is strongly recommended to plan for 2 nights to close a Dieta (1 to clean, and the other to close and protect the Dieta)
– Program Content Overview –
Pre-Dieta Interview: 30 minutes 1-on-1 with a Caya Shobo lead facilitator
Session times available from January 9 – 29, 2024
- This 1-on-1 session with an expert Dieter will help clarify your intentions and plan for your Dieta, including which plant/s to Diet
- Reserve a remote Dieta opening* with chosen maestro/maestra (Jan 29-Feb 6) (US$100+)
- Arrange shipment of plants if necessary
Session 1:
The Dieta Seed is Planted
APRIL 10, 2024
- Setting a good foundation
- Key points to observe – first 2 weeks of Dieta
- Interpreting dreams
Session 2:
Meeting the Teacher
APRIL 24, 2024
- Relating with plant teacher spirits
- Choices and consequences in Dieta
- Holding space for the process
Session 3:
Transformation Underway
MAY 8, 2024
- Resistance to change
- New perspectives
- If desired, arrange a remote treatment to align Dieta (US$100+)
Session 4:
Preparing to Close
MAY 22, 2024
- Reflection
- Protection and initiating integration
- Arrange to close Dieta (May 20-June 1) (US$100+)
Post-Dieta follow-up guidance session: 1 hour 1-on-1 with lead facilitator
Session times available from April 1 – April 10, 2024
- This final follow-up session with Caya Shobo’s most experienced facilitators will give you meaningful support for the beginning of the Integration phase of your Dieta.
*Note: While at least 1 remote treatment at minimum is required to open the Dieta, and another 1 remote treatment at minimum is required to close the Dieta, it may be recommended for some participants to receive 2 or more remote treatments at each of these stages. This is so the maestro/a can dedicate the first treatment/s to cleaning the participant’s energy and that of the Dieta before doing the technical shamanic job of actually initiating and finalizing the Dieta. Each remote treatment costs US$100

– Program Benefits –
Develop your Medicine Path
Dieta is the way that the true Shipibo shamans build their knowledge and capabilities in the plant medicine world. It is also how they heal themselves and their tribal community members. Dieta is the Shipibo way of restoring health and harmony in a patient’s life. This program will teach you first-hand the key priorities and stages of Dieta and help you develop your own understandings of yourself and this path.
Receive Consistent Support
The time-honored medicine practice of Shipibo Dieta can be very personally challenging, especially if done well. It can bring up a lot of discomfort, and powerful emotions, uncertainty, doubt and confusion. Most Dieters need some kind of support along the road. This program will provide consistent guidance plus lifelines for more focused 1:1 expert help if needed.
Learn Dieta Tips & Techniques
Discipline is everything in Dieta. But how can we manage this when we have such busy lives, we need to make our own food (which is very different from the jungle), and we likely have complicated family, friend and work relationships to navigate? In this program you can share, hear others’ experiences and receive expert guidance for making a good Dieta.
About the Facilitators

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Email team@cayashobo.com for more information.
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