


Small-group Ayahuasca Retreats with Plant Dieta


Welcome to your opportunity for deep, lasting healing at our esteemed Ayahuasca Retreats in Peru.

We are profoundly committed to providing you a safe and supportive environment. So you can get to the roots of your issues and initiate a genuine path of personal transformation, with personalized Shipibo Plant Dieta treatment

Our 12-day Ayahuasca Retreats are limited to a maximum of 12 guests. That way you receive highly focused attention and care, and we can ensure a stable energetic container where real healing can happen.

You will receive a unique treatment program with our highly experienced team of Shipibo shamanic healers (Onányas) in 8 strong Ayahuasca ceremonies. You are also welcome to work gently with Ayahuasca or focus solely on your personalized Plant Dieta treatment

Our extremely knowledgeable western facilitators will teach you how to safely access the remarkable healing power of the Amazonian Teacher Plants through Shipibo Master Plant Dieta. 

If you wish, you will be able to continue Plant Dieta at home after your Ayahuasca Retreat at Caya Shobo. Our supportive community of highly experienced Plant Dieters provides skilled Integration Support for continuing your own long-term healing path with the wisdom Teacher Plants at home. 

  • During your Ayahuasca Retreat you will stay in our comfortable, secure accommodations and receive delicious (Plant Dieta-friendly) meals. There is also wi-fi (in common area), laundry service and room-cleaning.

See below for more information about our scheduled Ayahuasca Retreats.

We invite you to attend any of our listed Ayahuasca Retreats in Peru throughout the year (see below).

Alternatively, we also offer some special group retreat programs, including our Women’s Ayahuasca Retreat and our Private Plant Dieta Retreats.

See below for more information about our upcoming special emphasis Group Ayahuasca Retreats.

OR ATTEND AN INFO SESSION – January 23, 2025 at 5PM – 7PM PST

12-day Personalized Ayahuasca with Plant Dieta Retreats from $2,960

During your 12-day Ayahuasca Retreat you will experience a deep cleansing and healing in the way of the true Shipibo healing tradition. Caya Shobo works only with Peru’s most experienced and trustworthy Shipibo Maestro & Maestra Onányas and a team of highly experienced Western facilitators:

– 8 Ayahuasca ceremonies –
– Personalized Diagnosis & Master Plant Dieta Treatment –
– Other Plant Therapies (repote, flower baths, eye-flush) –
– Integration consultations with facilitators and Maestros –
– Shamanic knowledge conferences, tour of Teacher Plant medicine gardens –
– 12 nights Private Accommodation (various pricing options available) –
– Delicious Dieta-friendly meals (vegan options available) –
– Regular room-cleanings and laundry service, access to wi-fi –
– Free post-retreat group Integration session, Access to ongoing expert support –

Available Ayahuasca Retreat Dates

– Mastery of your own healing journey –

At Caya Shobo a key emphasis of our offering is to help you make a personal connection with the master Teacher Plants. We want to introduce you to the ancestral knowledge of Shipibo traditional medicine so you can truly heal and learn with the plants in a safe and beneficial way. With correct Plant Dieta knowledge and practice we hope for you to experience the noble gifts of this tradition for yourself.

We observe that a healthy medicine path is centred on your relationship with yourself, with the Teacher Plants and their medicine teachings, and with your own appreciation of spirituality.

Master shamanic healers and knowledgeable teachers are here to help you along the way, supporting you as you traverse the often challenging processes of deepening self-awareness, purification and elevation of your mind, heart and physical energies.

- Group Program Retreats* -

A wonderful opportunity for women to safely explore the sacred medicine of Ayahuasca and other Master Healing Plants with high-level Shipiba Maestras and experienced female facilitators.

  • 8 Ayahuasca ceremonies
  • Master Plant Dieta Prescription
  • Daily Plant Therapies (repote, flower baths, eye-flush, etc)
  • Regular discussion with Maestras and facilitators
  • Other special shared activities
  • Accommodation & meals, Laundry & room-clean

Receive profound support for healing of traumas and sadness, liberate and strengthen your spirit, deepen your connection with yourself and the master teacher plants.

Please Subscribe for regular program calendar updates.


We are happy to help plan your private Group Ayahuasca Retreat with Plant Dieta at Caya Shobo.

We will work with you to design a special program of educational conferences and activities for your group, including for example:

  • Guided tours of Caya Shobo’s medicine plant gardens
  • Educational conferences on Shipibo History and Cosmovision
  • Teaching about the Shipibo traditional path of apprenticeship
  • Field trips to beautiful jungle walks, river tours or sanctuaries

Enjoy a private medicine program designed especially for your own community of friends and clients. Connect with the broader Caya Shobo community and receive ongoing expert dieta integration support.

Contact us for more information about arranging your own private group retreat at Caya Shobo.



Ayahuasca Ceremony


Ayahuasca Ceremony


Rest / Social
(plant treatments continue)


Ayahuasca Ceremony


Ayahuasca Ceremony


Rest / Social
(plant treatments continue)


Rest Day
(no plant treatments)

Caya Shobo’s weekly schedule during our programmed Ayahuasca Retreats is the same year-round*, with four ceremonies each week on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday nights, allowing a deep, intensive healing over consecutive nights, with rest between ceremonies.

In attendance at each Ayahuasca Ceremony our advanced master Shipibo Onánya shamans are supported by experienced facilitators.

Note that guests are welcome to attend Ayahuasca Ceremony without drinking Ayahuasca. You may prefer to simply receive the healing song Icaros from the Onánya shamans and work more gently in your Plant Dieta healing process.

Guests who prefer to work more deeply with Caya Shobo’s in-house prepared Ayahuasca, may do so, in accordance with our facilitators’ assessment of your readiness and experience level with Ayahuasca.

Your safety and well-being is always our first priority at Caya Shobo.

*Special holiday weeks such as Christmas and New Year have a reduced ceremony schedule.

Come and experience the medicine of Ayahuasca and learn the remarkable transformative healing practice of Master Plant Dieta in the way of ancient Shipibo traditional medicine in the safe, highly reputable, professionally-run Caya Shobo healing center.

Please enquire to learn our recommendations for your particular healing needs, or to arrange your own private group retreat (minimum 8 guests).

– A Note About Ayahuasca Preparation –

To ensure your safety and optimal benefit from your healing retreat stay at Caya Shobo, it is important to follow certain preparatory dietary and lifestyle restrictions.

You can read more about the required Ayahausca Preparation here.

*Please note: Confirmation of your stay at Caya Shobo is conditional upon review of your medical situation, and may be subject to preliminary psychological evaluation, and/or written doctor’s approval. More serious healing cases may require a unique treatment and support plan or in some cases may not be able to be treated at Caya Shobo.