Ayahuasca Ceremony at Caya Shobo
In Shipibo shamanism, Ayahuasca Ceremony is a sacred experience allowing us to journey into the spiritual realms, and the energetic worlds of the plants.
Ayahuasca alone is a powerful plant entheogen that has the potential to provide great insights into yourself and your spiritual nature. When combined with traditional Shipibo Plant Dieta treatment, Ayahuasca works together with the healing power of the Plant Dieta to go deeper into your issues.
This approach can more sustainably transform your life and your entire relationship with your your body, mind, heart and spirit. That is why Plant Dieta is the principal healing practice in the Shipibo shamanic tradition, and the focus of our healing treatments at Caya Shobo. All guests, facilitators, and Shipibo shamans (Onányas) actively participate in traditional Shipibo Plant Dieta during our Ayahuasca Retreats.
By limiting our retreat groups to 12 guests, our shamans can better manage the energetic stability of our Ayahuasca ceremonies. So you can be sure of a safer, calmer experience, and a more deeply focused, personalized healing treatment.

- Personalized Healing Treatment -
During your Ayahuasca Retreat at Caya Shobo, you will be prescribed a personalized Plant Dieta with master Teacher Plants such as Bobinsana, or Ajo Sacha, or Marosa or Pinon Blanco, or many other possible Teacher Plants.
In 8 Ayahuasca Ceremonies over 12-days, our highly experienced Shipibo shamans will sing their healing song Icaros to connect you more and more deeply with the healing power of your Plant Dieta and bring the energy of the plants strongly into the ceremony space.
Your Plant Dieta practice allows our Onánya shamans to have the clearest vision possible to diagnose and treat you. And the shamans’ healing songs (Icaros) can work more effectively at clearing your energy as the Teacher Plants actively clean and strengthen your body, mind, heart and spirit.
- Ayahuasca in Historical Shipibo Shamanism -
In the historical way of working with Ayahuasca in Shipibo shamanism, only the shamans drank the Ayahuasca brew. Ayahuasca is used to clean the body, open the ‘vision’ and connect with the spiritual world of the Teacher Plants. The patient would not traditionally drink Ayahuasca, unless studying to be a shaman.
Today, the powerful healing benefits of Ayahuasca for those seeking a personal, spiritual journey are well known. Ayahuasca offers an opportunity to access deep self-knowledge and have a direct experience of your spiritual essence. In itself this can be truly life-changing.
However, it is important to understand that Ayahuasca in Shipibo shamanism has always been practiced hand-in-hand with Plant Dieta practice. While Ayahuasca opens a doorway to the spiritual realms, it is the Teacher Plants which carry specific medicine for healing and bringing about a lasting personal transformation.
To achieve the highest levels of shamanic vision and power, Shipibo shamans need to actively practice Plant Dieta.
At Caya Shobo we follow the traditional approach of working with Ayahuasca as part of a comprehensive plant medicine treatment plan. We also strive to create the most supportive environment for our shamans to be active in their Plant Dieta practice. So you get the deepest healing benefit from the most advanced, dedicated shamans.

- Ayahuasca Preparation -
Ayahuasca is a powerful plant medicine requiring an attitude of serious respect and a careful physical and mental preparation. So, at Caya Shobo we help you get ready for safe Ayahuasca ceremonies and Plant Dieta practice before your Ayahuasca Retreat in Peru.
Preparation for Ayahuasca involves purifying the body by following dietary restrictions for a minimum period before drinking Ayahuasca. Also, it is important to discontinue certain substances and medications.*
Ayahuasca is a monoamine oxidase inhibitor which can NOT be safely combined with certain medications, substances and pre-existing health conditions. *Note: Any changes to your prescribed medical plan should be first discussed with your doctor.
Physical purification supports the process of mental preparation. Because your intuition is more clear when your body is clean. Observing your dreams and meditations in the weeks before your Ayahuasca Retreat can provide important insights. Which can help you better understand what is ready for healing, and can help you clarify your intentions for your healing retreat.
Before your stay at Caya Shobo our experienced facilitators will have a private talk with you about your health status and your goals for your Ayahuasca Retreat. During your retreat, you will receive in-depth guidance to help navigate your Ayahuasca experiences and your Plant Dieta practice.

- The Ayahuasca Journey Unfolds -
Ayahuasca ceremony occurs at night in the gorgeous ceremonial space of our traditional Shipibo maloka. The ceremony typically runs between 8pm to 1am or later.
For groups of 8 to 12 guests, there are 2 to 3 advanced Shipibo shamans plus 2 to 3 experienced facilitators in each ceremony. Also there are additional security staff outside the maloka.
About an hour after everyone has drunk Ayahuasca, the shamans begin to sing their powerful healing songs (Icaros). This helps to create an energetic protection, a kind of ‘sacred vessel’, for the spiritual journey of everyone present.

Our highly experienced shamans then sing to each guest, connecting you with the healing powers of Ayahuasca and your Plant Dieta. The shamans’ vision shows them what needs treating, so their Icaros are crafted uniquely for you in the moment. The Icaros work to clear and align your energies, and foster your connection with the Teacher Plants.
Each one of us is an entire world within ourselves. So, for everyone the Ayahuasca experience is different. We recommend trying not to hold too much expectation or attachment to the experience. And approach Ayahuasca as an opportunity for greater self-knowledge, which can best be observed with calm reflection.
It is common for Ayahuasca to provoke an intensive cleansing of the body and mind. Vomiting or diarrhea or other physical flushing can occur. Also, sometimes deep psychological manifestations or emotional releases can bring us to an uncomfortable, or even intimidated, state.
This blessed predicament we see as an authentic experience of the truth that we are much more than what we think. A lot of who we are is determined by our past experiences. And gratitude is an important key to initiate the process of healing.
- Skilled Attention & Support During the Ceremony -
At Caya Shobo, our experienced facilitators are attentive throughout the Ayahuasca ceremonies and during your Ayahuasca Retreat. We supervise the space and are available to help you get to the bathroom if you need support.
- Rest, Reflection and Ayahuasca Integration -
As the energy of the Ayahuasca ceremony settles, each participant gradually returns to a normal state of awareness or sleep. Each Ayahuasca experience is unique, and there is often much to consider and reflect on. But first it is best to enter a generous period of rest. At the end of the ceremony you may return to your room or rest in the tranquility of the maloka.
After the ceremony, the Ayahuasca Integration period begins. Your body often feels more purified and your thoughts more clear. But you may feel emotionally delicate for a time.
By continuing the dietary restrictions, the energetic vibration of Ayahuasca can remain active in your body for a few days. The tasty, nutritious meals at Caya Shobo can help to nourish and ground your body. Our meals are designed to keep your energy clear to facilitate your ongoing connection with the Teacher Plants. Clean, simple food enhances your insights, visions and dreams.
Throughout your Ayahuasca Retreats in Peru you will have the opportunity for group and individual feedback. Our highly experienced facilitators and master Shipibo shamans are available to talk about your Ayahuasca journeys and help you better understand your experiences. Such expert Ayahuasca Integration support is especially important when you are in Shipibo Plant Dieta treatment.
After your Ayahuasca experience, you may also find it beneficial to seek professional therapeutic support. Caya Shobo’s in-house psychotherapists and counsellors hold extensive experience with Ayahuasca and the Shipibo Plant Dieta tradition and are available for scheduling private consultations.