Ayahuasca Retreats with Plant Dieta
Caya Shobo offers small-group Ayahuasca Retreats in Peru, with personalized Master Plant Dieta. A maximum of 12 guests receive highly personalized attention and care in a safe, stable container for deep healing.
We work only with the most experienced Shipibo shamanic healers who work in accordance with true Shipibo traditional medicine.
The Shipibo-Conibo Tribal Council has officially endorsed Caya Shobo for the authenticity and expertise of our Master Shipibo Shamans and the quality of our genuine healing service.
Our highly experienced western facilitators carry extensive knowledge of Plant Dieta practice, which infuses every aspect of our service and care.
We welcome you to visit the heart of the Amazon rainforest in Peru to safely experience the extraordinary healing power of Ayahuasca and the master Teacher Plants, in the true way of the ancient Shipibo tribal healers.

Personalized Master Plant Dieta Healing
We offer deeply transformative healing with traditional Ayahuasca & Plant Dieta at our beautiful rainforest sanctuary near Iquitos, Peru.
Our highly skilled master Shipibo shamans (Onányas) and expert facilitators provide you an unequaled level of guidance and support.
At our Ayahuasca Retreats in Peru you will learn about the ancestral knowledge for achieving lasting, transformational healing of your most deeply rooted issues.
Caya Shobo’s intensive 12 day Ayahuasca Retreat programs provide each guest with a personalized Shipibo Plant Dieta treatment plan.
A variety of Amazonian plant medicine therapies, including Shipibo Master Plant Dieta, flower baths, herbal infusions, and other treatments are specially chosen to address your unique physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual healing needs.
Our 12-day Ayahuasca Retreats include 8 Ayahuasca ceremonies, giving you the opportunity to safely experience Ayahuasca and the powerful healing icaros (songs) of Peru’s most experienced and respected master Shipibo healers.
Our carefully selected team of western facilitators, all hold extensive expertise in Shipibo Master Plant Dieta. We are dedicated to your care and will provide knowledgeable guidance and translation support throughout your retreat. With sensitivity to the complex nature of Shipibo shamanic healing, we create a safe container for you to confidently enter a deep personal process.
Ayahuasca Retreats are limited to a maximum of 12 participants, with a generous ratio of facilitators and maestros to guest numbers. This ensures you receive ample attentive, responsible care. Private accommodation is in one of 5 jungle tambos or in one of 7 spacious standard rooms (each with their own bathroom).
Expert Integration Support is available both during and after the retreat, so you may continue to harness the healing benefits and bring greater wellness and harmony into your life at home.
Delicious and varied Plant Dieta-friendly meals, wi-fi service, laundry and regular room cleaning are all part of our standard service.
Massage therapists, an in-house store with perfumes and mapacho tobacco, plus visiting artisans provide opportunities to supplement your retreat experience for small additional cost.

Caya Shobo’s Ayahuasca with Plant Dieta Retreats in Peru will be attended by some of our favorite Shipibo maestros such as Arturo Izquierdo, Walter Martinez and beloved Shipiba maestras Lucinda Mahua, Dominga Valles and Maricela Rios Inuma. Every retreat is supported by knowledgeable facilitators with many years of experience in Shipibo Plant Dieta healing.

Attend a complimentary Ayahuasca Retreat with Plant Dieta Information Session on Zoom.
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Prospective guests sometimes ask if we offer any retreat options shorter than our 12-day Ayahuasca Retreat with Plant Dieta.
Caya Shobo focuses on helping our guests achieve real healing with the remarkable Shipibo tradition of Master Plant Dieta. This process takes time to set up and deliver its results and we’ve found that a 12-day retreat is the minimum time for guests to experience a real shift in their state of mind, body and spirit through the Plant Dieta process.
We therefore no longer accommodate shorter stay requests. We found that it can be somewhat disruptive to the healing process of the rest of the guests who are in an intensive Plant Dieta treatment. It also does not allow us to deliver meaningful results to those staying for only a few days.
Ayahuasca alone offers some healing benefit, but with Shipibo Plant Dieta we know we can really help improve people’s lives in a sustainable way. This work is our focus and our mission.
Read more about the different healing results of Master Plant Dieta vs Ayahuasca.
– Shipibo Traditional Medicine –
A living cultural treasure from the ancient Amazonian world
The Shipibo plant medicine healing tradition is a sacred body of shamanic knowledge that has been developed over thousands of years of generational learning. It encompasses extensive technical expertise for working safely and effectively with Ayahuasca and many other powerful Amazonian medicinal plants. And it embodies an immense respect and honor for the spiritual wisdom within nature. These understandings are employed holistically to restore health, harmony and wellness to people and communities.
Today, thanks to the generosity of the Shipibo tribal people and the efforts of dedicated westerners to bridge these vastly different cultures, the wisdom mysteries and curative powers of Ayahuasca and other Amazonian plant medicine are available to all.
Caya Shobo is committed to facilitating this important healing work which is so urgently needed in the world today. We deeply honor the ancestral knowledge of the Shipibo people. And we offer our profound respect and compassionate care to each individual in search of healing, spiritual understanding and supportive community.
– Our Master Shipibo Shamans (Onányas) –
After many years of working with master shamanic healers of different Amazonian cultures and traditions, we feel very fortunate to have found the special master Shipibo shamans (Onányas) who generously share their Plant Dieta expertise and energy with us.
In the Shipibo traditional medicine, the healing ability of a master Onánya shaman is a sacred treasure developed over years of disciplined Plant Dieta practice. We hereby extend our gratitude and admiration to our beloved Shipibo friends, esteemed as some of Peru’s most highly skilled and knowledgeable shamanic healers.
Read more about the remarkable capabilities of our Shipibo shamanic healers and learn about the other master shaman Onányas that we frequently work with by visiting Our Master Shipibo Shamans page.
Caya Shobo is one of the few Western-owned Ayahuasca Retreat healing centers in Peru to have received endorsement from Coshikox (the Shipibo Konibo Xetebo Tribal Council) as to the authenticity of our maestros and medicine offering in accordance with the true Shipibo traditions. Coshikox is the only defined ICCA leadership body for the Shipibo tribal people.
Caya Shobo also supports the Shipibo women’s sewing association Tetai Nomabo which serves to celebrate and preserve the artisanal heritage of the Shipibo tribal culture while supporting Shipibo families with sustainable income. Our in-house textile arts store showcases a beautiful array of works created by women from this association.