

– Facilitators at Caya Shobo –

What makes Caya Shobo’s facilitation support unique amongst Ayahuasca centres is that all our facilitators have undergone years of personal training not only with Ayahausca but also with the Shipibo plant dieta healing process. 

Most other centres focus on Ayahuasca ceremony support and integration training, but at Caya Shobo we understand that it is only through the process of Shipibo Plant Dieta that truly transformative healing and sustained life improvement can be achieved for our guests. For that reason, all our lead facilitators are required to have completed lengthy personal dietas before even being considered for training as a facilitator of Caya Shobo’s plant dieta retreats.  

We also understand how intensely purifying and transformative an isolation retreat can be, and we know that the journey of healing with the plants is long and slow, involving many cycles of personal change; of coming to understand oneself; of cleansing and strengthening; and of finding greater harmony and balance in all aspects of life. That’s why our Lead facilitators are carefully selected based on their demonstrated integrity of character, maturity of understanding of the plant dieta healing process, and sensitivity to the unique needs and healing journey of each guest.

We are here to support you on that journey and we welcome you to come experience for yourself our professionalism of care and honorable way of sharing this sacred healing and learning tradition.

Becky (MAF, BSc)
Co-Founder & Lead Facilitator Caya Shobo
One of the co-founders of Caya Shobo, Becky has immersed herself in a path of self-discovery and learning with the Shipibo plant medicine tradition since 2008. She has dieted many Master Plants under the guidance of experienced Shipibo maestro and maestra Onányas and supported many others on their own journeys of healing with Ayahuasca and master plant Dieta. Since 2012, Becky has served as a teacher and a practitioner of the Shipibo tradition...

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Partner & Lead Facilitator Caya Shobo
Franziska is a member of the core leadership team of Caya Shobo, and has been an important host, facilitator and guide for our international medicine community since 2015. She is a mother and an artist and holds a diploma in Arts Therapy from the University of Applied Science and Arts in Ottersverg. Franziska grew up in Germany spending most of her time in nature and developing a deep love of plants and ecology, and in her adult life has pursued learning in....

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Jen (MFT)
Lead Facilitator Caya Shobo
As a lead facilitator at Caya Shobo, Jen brings immense professionalism and expertise from her many years working as a Berkeley psychotherapist, helping people in spiritual emergence and spiritual crisis, or integrating different states of consciousness from entheogenic encounters, and also helping those dealing with trauma and PTSD. Jen holds a BA in Cultural Anthropology from UCSC and a Masters in Somatic Psychotherapy from the California Institute of Integral Studies, and has over 10 years of experience working with....

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Lead Facilitator Caya Shobo
Natasha has been working with Ayahuasca and long plant Dietas in the Shipibo tradition since 2011, and has been part of the Caya Shobo community since its inception. She has an excellent appreciation of the Shipibo plant medicine healing process and is now a lead facilitator providing support for guests during their healing process with Ayahuasca and in Master Plant Dieta at Caya Shobo. Natasha speaks...

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Lead Facilitator Caya Shobo
Angela is a bodyworker, dancer and choreographer from Berlin/Germany. She is a certified practitioner of Cranio-Sacral Therapy and Fascia Therapy/Method Danis Bois. She speaks German, English and a little Spanish. Angela is loved by Caya Shobo guests for being a true listener, both in her facilitative conversations around the medicine process and in her highly intuitive bodywork. She started her ....

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Lead facilitator Caya Shobo
Charlie began his learning and healing path with plants in 2015. After sitting with Miguel in 2017, Charlie fell in love with the Shipibo "school" of medicine work, specifically with its infinite depth and focus on transformational healing. He has been working as a lead facilitator at Caya Shobo yearly since 2019, staying for up to 4 months at a time. When he is not learning from....

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Lead facilitator Caya Shobo
Wesley has been working with Ayahuasca since 2014 and dieting the Master plants in the Shipibo tradition since Caya Shobo's inaugural retreat in 2016. As a farmer and builder of sustainable homes, Wes holds a deep respect for the plant world and the profound imperative to bring greater balance into all our lives. An adept listener and fluent speaker of both English and Spanish, Wes has been afforded a special opportunity to form true friendships and deeply learn from the Shipibo maestros....

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Caya Shobo facilitators are skilled with providing support on a range of topics related to Ayahuasca and plant dieta healing, including:

  • The mechanisms of Shipibo plant dieta; how to work safely and meaningfully with Ayahuasca and the master teacher plants

  • Different stages of self-discovery, personal healing, and transformation with the medicine plants. Especially providing non-judgemental care and support during the often intensive reconfiguration of the self that is promoted by Shipibo plant dieta

  • Valuable insights for dieta dream and vision interpretation and many other common dieta and ceremonial experiences

  • Integration of the benefits of plant dieta into regular life, personal relationships, and professional and creative endeavours

  • Connecting participants to the broader Caya Shobo community, a global network of friends who share a commitment to personal and spiritual growth and a profound respect for the wisdom and power of nature.